Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Mike Show! (Episode 1)


Anonymous said...

You craaazy. Very niice, very niiice.

Belinda said...

Oh my god. WOW. I can't wait for more. :-)

Baron Von TrundleBed said...
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Baron Von TrundleBed said...

This has been a long time coming. Someone as funny as you needs their own internet show, seriously. But not that serious.

Owen, Ashley, and I are all doing really well. I start a job grading PSSA tests in March. I'm looking forward to starting, it'll help us out while I keep taking civil service tests. Ashley is good, if she learns any more about raising babies I think her brain will explode. Owen is almost 3 months now, and is starting to laugh, recognize us, and play games. Also sleep more. Hooray.

We should hang out, maybe 1/2 price night at the Salv? I'm free until March 19th, text me anytime babay.

Oh, and I deleted the last comment because I spelled something wrong, because I obsess about grammar mistakes.