Friday, May 19, 2006

A Fond-ish Farewell

It's the end of Spring, and as such, it is time to say goodbye to some television shows. The big one, obviously, is this Monday's Alias. However, two ended last night, and I can't let them pass into the hereafter without giving them a mention. I'm talking about, of course, The Show That Used To Be Good But Stayed On Three Years Too Long and The Show That Was Always Shitty But Still Popular For Some Reason.

  • The Show That Used To Be Good But Stayed On Three Years Too Long

    • I haven't watched in years, but apparently Jackie (who was only dating Kelso when I left) also dated Hyde and Fez. And apparently Eric moved to Africa (that is SO JTT!) and dumped Donna in the process. I watched this finale last night, and it was really pretty awful. A standard mix of sappy finale-type resolution, clip show, reunions, and crappy jokes. They had a total, bullshit Ross-Rachel moment (Eric came home from Africa and he and Donna kissed). Just once, I'd like to see a realistic ending to a sitcom relationship (although "realistic sitcom" is kind of a contradiction of terms). While this finale sucked the donkey's balls, it's still nice to look back on the days when this was a successfully funny comedy about four dumbasses smoking pot.

      Another show that fit into this category (but I missed the finale): Malcolm in the Middle

  • The Show That Was Always Shitty But Still Popular For Some Reason
    • I'll be honest: I've never watched more than two episodes of this show, and the finale certainly wasn't one of them. Still, I can tell you exactly what happened based on the two commercials I saw (which stated that the redhead was moving away to have babies). The redhead doesn't move away, but does have babies. The gay guy who acts straight lives with her forever. The annoying-as-fuck secretary says something snarky and downs a martini. The flamboyant sterotype walks around goosing everybody and taking the fight for gay rights back fifty years.
So there you have it. I can't say I'll miss you, television shows.


Anonymous said...

yea , that 70's show went downhill once topher (eric) left. i didnt know he came back and kissed donna. i saw the show was subject to an E! behind the scenes about it and all the actors, didnt feel compelled to watch though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed "Will & Grace" and actually you're off on the ending of it. Will and Grace end up fighting and not being friends for almost 20 years, and Jack and Karen live together. It's one of those shows that got better with time and I was sad to see it go (thought it was time).