Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Unfortunate News of the Week

Bruce Springsteen escapes from the box (CNN)

And after all the hard work people-with-good-taste exerted to put him in there...
  • There were no rehearsals, no arrangements, no overdubs. Springsteen wasn't even sure if the results would become an album. "It was just playing music," Springsteen said of the sessions. "I didn't have any intention for it. I knew that I enjoyed making this kind of music. ... It was really just purely for the joy of doing it. It was a lot of fun."

At least somebody is having fun. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, it did become an album, and the most famous constipation-rocker of all time is once again loosed upon our society. For a month. And then he'll fade back into obscurity until he releases another shitty album.

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