Friday, April 21, 2006

Angelina Jolie is retarded.

Angelina Jolie is apparently buying a miniature island version of the country of Ethiopia, one of many islands being shaped by Richard Branson to form a fake world.
  • A source said: "Angelina has been obsessed with Ethiopia ever since she adopted her second child Zahara from there. Her friends are very jealous of her purchase."
You're shitting me, right? Her friends are all "very jealous" of her own private Ethiopia? Do they realize she bought a smaller version of an malnourished, AIDS-ridden trash-hole? Besides, I'm pretty sure you can buy the REAL Ethiopia for six bucks and a used tube of chapstick.

It is cute though that Angelina is "obsessed with" this impoverished nation in the same way that I am obsessed with Jena Malone and Marshmallow Peeps. I suppose we all have our passing fancies.

(link via BestWeekEver)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Angie is weird. Yes, I am on a first name basis with her.

And it's not even that I like the occasional drink... I haven't had anything in a long time. I just like to dance. But I guess being around drunk people isn't nearly as fun when you're sober.